Important Phone Numbers

Police – Fire – Ambulance: Dial 911

Suffolk Co. Police: 854-8382
Ocean Beach Police: 583-5866

U.S. Coast Guard

Emergency Assistance: 728-1171
Fire Island Station: 661-9100

Seaview Doctor

James Goodrich, MD: 583-5286
9-10 a.m. and 5-6 p.m.

Garbage District

Bulk Pickup-Tony’s Barge: 589-2130

Seaview Security

Fri & Sat 10 pm - 5 am
Memorial Day thru Labor Day: 583-9108

Seaview Boat Basin

Dock Master Office: 631-583-9380

Seaview Market: 583-8482


Seaview Ferry: 665-2115
Ocean Beach Ferry: 665-3600
Long Island RR: 231-5477
Water Taxi: 665-8885
Tommy’s: 665-4800

Fire Island National Seashore

    Information: 289-4810
    Sailor’s Haven Visitors Center: 597-6183
    F.I. Lighthouse: 661-4876

Village of Ocean Beach

Village Office: 583-5940
Library: 583-5626
Movie Theatre (OB Community House): 583-5811
Post Office: 583-7368

Town Halls

Brookhaven: 451-6640
Islip: 224-5691


Sanitation-Tony’s Barge: 589-2130
LIPA: 755-6000
Seaview Water Co. Emergency: (516) 639-8997