Thinking about renting your Seaview home?
Here’s what you need to know.
The Seaview Association endeavors to promote a relaxed, safe and quiet family-oriented community. To this end please read the following guidelines and suggestions before renting your house.
Things to keep in mind if you are renting your house for all or part of summer:
Association Service Charges and Water Charges: Make sure that you are current on payment of all Association charges. If you are not fully up to date, your renters will be denied access to Seaview facilities (tennis courts, ballfield, boat basin slips, bay beach, etc.)
Short term rentals of less than 30 days are likely subject to a 3% tax under Suffolk County Code, Chapter 523-9.
Group rentals: The Association does not permit rental arrangements involving multiple 'shares' or large groups. It potentially violates town and county inhabitance and fire codes.
We urge you to pay careful attention to the following advice:
Know exactly who is renting your home. While a homeowner may intend to rent to one family, in actuality 2, 3, or more families may ultimately be using your home. In some instances, the renter who originally signed the contract may be subletting your residence from Monday to Friday to help cover their costs.
In order to prevent the practice of one renter signing the lease and then "managing" your home as a group rental, be sure to notify your agent that you want to limit the rental to specifically named occupants.
If there is a group renting your home, remember that they will be denied use of Seaview Association facilities (tennis, ballfield, boat basin, bay beach, etc).
Tips for responsible renting: Renters who are new to Seaview may not aware of the Association’s policies, rules, and simple courtesies that help everyone enjoy the summer season on Fire Island.
If you are renting your home, we ask that you take steps to safeguard your neighbors' right to an enjoyable summer. These suggestions include:
To help control noise or unruly behavior, we recommend that you add a clause to the rental contract which requires compliance with local noise ordinances and, perhaps more importantly, advise your prospective renters that this is a family-oriented community where the houses are close together and therefore it is important to keep the noise level down, especially early in the morning or after 11 pm.
Add clear language to any listing you may place on a website or elsewhere that demonstrates your firm intention to rent to responsible tenants. You may contact the Association here and we'll be happy to forward examples of language you can use for this purpose
Be sure to let your immediate neighbors know how to reach you or your real estate agent should there be a problem involving your renters or their guests.
We also recommend that you post the Seaview Community Guidelines in your rental home.